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New York : Bantam Books, 1989, 312 pages.
- Ashbrook, Joseph. The astronomical scrapbook
: skywatchers, pioneers, seekers in astronomy.
Cambridge (Mass.) : Sky Publishing ; Cambridge : Cambridge University
Press, 1984, 468 pages.
- Aveni, Anthony. Ancient astronomers.
Montreal : St Remy Press ; Washington : Smithsonian Books, 1993, 176
pages. Collection Exploring the ancient world.
- Berry, Arthur. A short history of astronomy,
from the earliest times through the nineteenth century.
New York : Dover Publications, 1961 (réimpression de
l’édition de 1898), 440 pages.
- Brahe, Tycho. Tycho Brahe’s
description of his instruments and scientific work.
Copenhague : Commission Hos Ejnar Munksgaard, 1946, 144 pages.
- Coming, Neil F. What if the moon
didn’t exist ?
New York : Harper Collins, 1993, 315 pages.
- Conseil international de la langue
française. Vocabulaire d’astronomie.
Paris : Hachette, 1980, 329 pages.
- Corliss, William R. The moon and the planets
: a catalogue of astronomical anomalies.
Glen Arm (MD) : The Sourcebook Project, 1985, 337 pages.
- Cornelius, Geoffrey and Devereux, Paul. The
secret language of the stars and planets : a visual key to the heavens.
San Francisco : Chronicle Books, 1996, 176 pages.
- Dictionnaire des inventeurs et inventions.
Paris : Larousse Bordas, 1996, 822 pages. Collection Larousse
- Encyclopaedia universalis. Le Grand atlas de
Paris : Encyclopaedia universalis, 1994, 471 pages.
- Flammarion, Camille. Astronomie populaire
description générale du ciel.
Paris : Flammarion, 1975, 839 pages.
- Gingerich, Owen. The eye of heaven : Ptolemy,
Copernicus, Kepler.
New York : American Institute of Physics, 1993, 442 pages.
- Guiley, Rosemary Ellen. The lunar almanac.
London : Piatkus, 1991, 192 pages.
- Hawkins, Gerald S. Mindsteps of the cosmos.
New York : Harper & Row, 1983, 340 pages.
- Hermann, Joachim. Atlas de
Paris : Livre de poche, 1995, 287 pages. Collection
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Oxford : Helicon, 1996. 552 pages.
- La Cotardière, Philippe de (sous la dir.). Astronomie.
Paris : Larousse, 1994, 543 pages.
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de l’astronomie.
Paris : Larousse, 1996, 412 pages. Collection
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- Lankford, John (editor). History of astronomy
: an encyclopedia.
New York : Garland Publishing inc., 594 pages.
- Lindroos, Marcus. The
Soviet manned lunar program.
- Le Boeuffle, André. Le ciel des
Paris : De Boccard, 1989, 163 pages. Collection Antiques.
- Malmström, Vincent H. Cycles of the
sun, mysteries of the moon : the calendar in Mesoamerican civilization.
Austin : University of Texas Press, 1997. 282 pages.
- Moore, Patrick. The great astronomical
revolution : 1534-1687 and the space age epilogue.
Revised edition. -- Chichester : Albion Publishing, 1994, 258 pages.
- North, John. The Fontana history of astronomy
and cosmology.
London : Fontana Press, 1994. 697 pages. Collection Fontana History of
- Reichen, Charles-Albert. Histoire de
Lausanne : Rencontre, 1964, 104 pages.
- Rükl, Antonin. Atlas de la Lune.
Paris : Gründ, 1993, 224 pages.
- Sagan, Carl. Cosmos.
New York : Random House, 1980, 365 pages.
- Satellites et anneaux.
New York : Time-Life, 1991, 144 pages. Collection Voyage à
travers l’univers.
- Taton, René. La science antique et
médiévale, des origines à 1450.
Paris : Presses Universitaires de France, 1994 (2e édition
revue et mise à jour 1966), 720 pages. Collection Quadrige.
- Tauber, Gerald E. Man’s view of the
New York : Crown Publishers, 1979, 352 pages.
- Verdet, Jean-Pierre. Une histoire de
Paris : Seuil, 1990, 364 pages. Collection Points Sciences.
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