Table of contents
Introduction This compilation of astronomical poems, or poems inspired by the sky, the night or the darkness, is intended to be a work in progress. It springs from my readings on astronomy and poetry alike and has been spurred by my researches on the Internet. The first poems that I chose to offer on this site were in english because they reflected my fascination for certain American poets like Bryant, Frost and Whitman. Since the HTML coding of these texts is not a trivial task, I began my compilation with english-speaking poets. Jean-Pierre Luminet has done such a great job of compiling the french poetry that I'w waiting a little bit to move into that area. Note that the literature on the topic of celestial or astronomical poetry is more important in the anglo-saxon countries than in the french dispora.
But I wish to submit right now poems by such luminary French poets as Lamartine and Hugo, Baudelaire, to quote only a few.
I have decided to give the reader some information about the author or the poem(s). I hope that this knowlege will enable the reader to better assess the astronomical context of the poem or it's value in the frameworks of poetry. I also choose to submit the poem in it's totality rather than an extract, to better appreciate it in the context of the quotation.
I have selected poems according to astronomy topics but also to equally wider themes, themes linked to the sky, to the night and to the darkness. My choices are evidently my own and are, in particular cases, probably quite arbitrary, an inevitable fact in such a venture. But I hope that it will be a enticement to discover new meanings to the human experience of the night.
Authors list
- Addison, Joseph
- Ode
- Aiken, Conrad
- Morning Song of Senlin
- Evening Song of Senlin
- Ammons, Archie Randolph
- Cascadilla Falls
- Anonyme
- Apollinaire, Guillaume
- Clair de lune
- Voie lactée ô soeur lumineuse...
- Aubespine, Madeleine de l'
- L'on verra s'arrêter le mobile du monde
- Aubigné, Agrippa d'
- Voici la mort du ciel...
- Auden, W. H.
- After Reading a Child's Guide to Modern Physics
- The More Loving One
- Nocturne
- This Lunar Beauty
- A Summer Night
- A Walk After Dark
- Bailey, Philip James
- Knowledge
- Banville, Théodore de
- La Lune
- La Nuit
- La Voie lactée
- Les Étoiles
- Les Torts du Cygne
- Nuit d'étoiles
- Baour-Lormian, Pierre
- Hymne au soleil
- Invocation à la lune
- Barbey d'Aurevilly, Jules
- La haine du soleil
- Barlow, Jane
- One and All
- Bartas, Guillaume du
- Éloge à la lune
- La Nuit
- Premier Jour de La Sepmaine
- Baudelaire, Charles
- Le coucher du soleil romantique
- Le crépuscule du soir
- Le gouffre
- La lune offensée
- Les plaintes d'un Icare
- Recueillement
- Tristesses de la lune
- Beauchemin, Nérée
- Crépuscule rustique
- Bernier, Jovette-Alice
- Au chemin des étoiles
- Blackie, John Stuart
- All things are full of God
- Blémont, Émile
- Vénus au ciel
- Bly, Robert
- The Indigo Bunting
- The Moon
- The Night Abraham Called to the Stars (extraits)
- Borges, Jorge Luis
- History of the Night
- Bourdillon, Francis W.
- The Night Has A Thousand Eyes
- Bradley, George
- About Planck Time
- At the Other End of the Telescope
- E Pur Si Muove
- The Sound of the Sun
- The Year of the Comet
- Brainard, John
- An Evening Cloud
- On A Rainbow At Night
- The Lost Pleiad
- The Two Comets
- To the Moon
- Braithwaite, William Stanley
- At Newport - Sunrise : Bateman's Point
- Distances
- Golden Moonrise
- Song : The Trail Of Stars
- Under The Stars
- Brautigan, Richard
- A Telescope, A Planetarium, A Firmament Of Crows
- Albert Einstein
- Chosen by Beauty to Be a Handmaiden of the Stars
- Comets
- Montana / 1973 : Night
- Montana / 1973 : Big Dipper
- Pity the Morning Light That Refuses to Wait for Dawn
- Breton, Jules
- Nocturne
- Browning, Robert
- My Star
- Bryant, William Cullen
- The Conjunction of Jupiter and Venus
- The Constellations
- The Firmament
- Hymn to the North Star
- The New Moon
- The Order Of Nature
- The Skies
- Song of the Stars
- The Star of Bethlehem
- The Waning Moon
- Bunch, Sterling
- In Starry Skies
- Butler, Samuel
- The Elephant in the Moon
- Bynner, Witter
- A Tent Song
- Campbell, Wilfrid
- Night
- The Sky Watcher
- Stella Flammarum : An Ode to Halley's Comet
- Campion, Thomas
- Follow Thy Fair Sun
- Carman, Bliss
- The Campfire of the Sun
- The Heart of Night
- In The Blue Opal Of A Winter Noon
- The Moon Symbol
- Moonrise
- On The Meridian Of The Night
- The Queen of Night
- Star !
- The Twelfth Night Star
- Winter Twilight
- Chamberland, Paul
- Les Nuits armées
- Chambrier, Alice de
- Lune d'été
- Chapman, William
- L'Aurore boréale
- Chateaubriand, François-René de
- Le soir au bord de la mer
- Chesterton, G. K.
- A Prayer in Darkness
- Chopin, René
- La splendeur du vide
- Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
- Hymn Before Sun-rise, In The Vale Of Chamouni
- The Moon, How Definite It's Orb
- The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
- A Soliloquy of the Full Moon, She Being in a Mad Passion
- A Sunset
- Colletet, Guillaume
- La nuit et le jour
- Coppée, François
- Étoiles filantes
- Vie antérieure
- Crawford, Isabella
- The Dark Stag
- Croix, Pierre de
- Des astres tournoyans la danse coustumiere
- Darley, George
- The Fallen Star
- The Moon and Sea
- Davenant, William
- Gondibert
- Davies, William H.
- The Moon
- de Regniers, Beatrice Schenk
- Night Comes
- Derwood, Gene
- After reading St. John the Divine
- Desportes, Philippe
- Contre une nuit trop claire
- Épouvantable Nuit, qui tes cheveux noircis
- Sur les abysmes creux des fondements poser
- Dickinson, Emily
- LVIII : Lightly stepped a yellow star
- LIX : The Moon upon her fluent route
- LXIX : Follow wise Orion
- Dillard, Annie
- An Epistemology of Planets
- Donne, John
- An Anatomy of the World : the First Anniversary
- Go and Catch a Falling Star
- The Sun Rising
- H.D. (Doolittle, Hilda)
- Let Zeus Record : Stars Wheel in Purple
- Dorchain, Auguste
- Les étoiles éteintes
- Dorph, Doug
- Forgotten Planet
- Dowden, Edward
- Durer's "Melencholia"
- The Secret of the Universe
- Draper, Jane
- I Look Into The Stars
- Dryden, John
- A Song For St. Cecilia's Day, 1867
- Du Bellay, Joachim
- Astres cruels, et vous dieux inhumains
- Déjà la nuit en son parc amassait...
- Duclaux, Agnes Mary Frances
- The Idea
- du Perron, Jacques Davy
- Quand le flambeau du monde
- Earle, John Charles
- Bodily Extension
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo
- Character
- Teach me your mood, O patient stars
- Farjeon, Eleanor
- The Night Will Never Stay
- Fields, James T.
- Jupiter and Ten
- Fisher, Aileen
- Shooting Stars
- The Spinning Earth
- Flammarion, Camille
- La Contemplation du Ciel
- Flynn, Nick
- Alan Dugan Telling Me I Have a Problem With Time
- Cartoon Physics, part 1
- Fontanes, Louis
- L'astronomie
- L'astronomie
- France, Anatole
- À la lumière
- Frost, Robert
- Acquainted With The Night
- Astrometaphysical
- The Bear
- Bravado
- Canis Major
- Choose Something Like A Star
- Come In
- Desert Places
- Fire And Ice
- Fireflies In The Garden
- Fragmentary Blue
- The Freedom Of the Moon
- The Literate Farmer and the Planet Venus
- A Loose Mountain (Telescopic)
- Lost In Heaven
- Moon Compasses
- An Old Man's Winter Night
- On Looking Up by Chance At The Constellations
- On Making Certain Anything Has Happened
- A Question
- Skeptic
- A Soldier
- A Star In A Stoneboat
- The Star Splitter
- Stars
- Fu, Du
- Full Moon
- Gallup, George Brewster
- Andromeda
- Gauthier, Théophile
- Étoiles, qui d'en haut voyez valser les mondes
- La lune
- Ghil, René
- Nuit aux terrasses
- Gill, Charles
- Aurore
- Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von
- Faust (extrait)
- Graves, Robert
- To Juan at the Winter Solstice
- Greville, Lord Brooke Fulke
- You Little Stars
- Herrick, Robert
- Eternitie
- Hirsch, Edward
- In Spite of Everything, the Stars
- Hodgson, Ralph
- Song of Honor
- Hollander, John
- The Great Bear
- Holm, A.C.
- The Infinite Stars
- Holmes, Charles Never
- Orion
- A Perfect Night
- The Shooting Star
- Holmes, Oliver Wendell
- During the Transit of Venus
- Latter-Day Warnings
- The Secret of the Stars
- Hopkins, Gerard Manley
- "I am like a slip of comet"
- The Starlight Night
- Housman, Alfred Edward
- XVII - Astronomy
- XXIV - Epithalamium
- V - Here are the skies
- XI- The rainy Pleiads wester
- XXXVI - Revolution
- VII - Stars, I Have Seen Them Fall
- X - The weeping Pleiads wester
- Hughes, Langston
- Dream Variations"
- My People
- Hugo, Victor
- Abîme
- Le calcul
- Crépuscule
- Explication
- La fin de Satan
- Le firmament est plein de la vaste clarté
- Inferni
- Magnitudo parvi
- Nuits de Juin
- Plein ciel
- Quand la lune apparaît
- Saturne
- Soleils couchants
- Un soir que je regardais le ciel
- Unité
- Huxley, Julian
- Cosmic Death
- Cosmic Evolution
- Jeffers, Robinson
- And the Stars
- The Answer
- The Beauty of Things
- The Eye
- The Great Explosion
- The Measure
- October Evening
- Roan Stallion
- Star-Swirls
- Johnston, Allan
- Range of light
- Jones, Douglas-Gordon
- J'ai échappé à la nuit
- Keats, John
- Bright star, would I were stedfast as thou art
- Kelly, James Patrick
- The Two Cultures
- The Physicist, Falling
- Khayam, Omar
- Quatrains (traduction française)
- Rubaiyyat (traduction anglaise)
- Rubaiyyat (5th edition)
- Kipling, Rudyard
- An Astrologer's Song
- Kirkup, James
- Love in a Space Suit
- Tea in a Space-ship
- Kunitz, Stanley
- The Flight of Apollo
- Halley's Comet
- Laforgue, Jules
- Complainte de la Lune
- Complainte du temps et de l'espace
- Lamartine, Alphonse de
- Les étoiles
- Hymne au soleil
- L'infini dans les cieux
- Le soir
- Lampman, Archibald
- A Vision of Twilight
- Alcyone
- An October Sunset
- April Night
- Evening
- Midnight
- Midsummer Night
- The Moon Path
- Night
- Sirius
- The Sun cup
- Sunset
- Winter Evening
- Winter Hues Recalled
- The Winter Stars
- With The Night
- Leconte de Lisle, Charles
- L'astre rouge
- L'aurore
- La chute des étoiles
- Un coucher de soleil
- La dernière vision
- L'illusion suprême<
- La lampe du ciel
- La mort du soleil
- Nox
- L'orbe d'or
- Le réveil d'Hélios
- Solvet Seclum
- Ultra Coelos
- Villanelle
- Lefcowitz, Barbara
- Dark Matter
- Eclipse
- Of Cells and Stars
- Potentials
- Levine, Philip
- Any Night
- Starlight
- Levis, Larry
- Winter Stars
- Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
- The Galaxy
- Hymn to the Night
- The Light of Stars
- Moonlight
- The Occultation of Orion
- Lovecraft, Howard Phillips
- Astrophobos
- Polaris
- Lozeau, Albert
- À la lune
- Au soleil
- Clair de lune
- Lumière
- Nocturne
- Nocturnes
- Sous le ciel
- Vespérales
- Mallarmé, Stéphane
- L'Azur
- Manilius, Marcus
- Astronomica
- Mann, Richard Herbert
- Friends of Mine
- McGough, Roger
- Mrs Moon
- Sky in the Pie !
- McLoughland, Beverly
- I Talk With the Moon
- Lemon Moon
- MacNiece, Louis
- Star-gazer
- Marceline Desbordes-Valmore
- La nuit
- Masini, Donna
- The Sky Could Send You
- Meredith, George
- Lucifer in Starlight
- Meditation Under Stars
- Winter Heavens
- Meynell, Alice
- Christ in the Universe
- The Moon to the Sun
- Musset, Alfred de
- Ballade à la Lune
- La nuit
- Myers, Frederick William Henry
- A Cosmic Outlook
- Nemerov, Howard
- Insomnia I
- Neruda, Pablo
- Clenched Soul
- In the night we shall go in
- Nuit
- Ode to a Lemon
- Poetry
- Poem XX : Saddest Poem
- Nerval, Gérard de
- Le Christ aux oliviers
- Nichols, Grace
- The Sun
- Noel, Roden
- Pan (extraits)
- Noyes, Alfred
- The Loom of Years
- Watchers of the Sky
- Owen, Wilfred
- O World of many worlds
- Paz, Octavio
- Fraternité
- Pickthall, Marjorie
- Stars
- Plath, Sylvia
- The Moon and the Yew Tree
- The Night-Dances
- Po, Li
- Alone and Drinking Under the Moon
- Mountain Drinking Song
- Song of the Forge
- Waterfall at Lu-Shan
- Poe, Edgar Allan
- Evening Star
- Étoile du soir
- Sonnet : To Science
- Ulalume
- Potter, R. Burnside
- The Old Amateur
- Pratt, Minnie Bruce
- The Blue Cup
- Prudhomme, Sully
- Extraits
- La voie lactée
- Le monde des âmes
- Sursum Corda
- Prologue
- Veille 6 : Fatalisme et divinité
- Veille 9 : La dignité la justice
- Ptolémée, Claude
- Almageste
- Rainier, Lucien
- Nocturne
- Rexroth, Kenneth
- As the full moon rises
- Autre printemps
- En raison inverse du carré des distances
- The Lights In The Sky Are Stars : A Sword In A Cloud Of Light
- The Lights in the Sky are Stars : The Great Nebula of Andromeda
- The Lights in the Sky are Stars : Halley's Comet
- The Lights in the Sky are Stars : The Heart of Herakles
- Les lumières dans le ciel sont des étoiles : La comète de Halley
- Les lumières dans le ciel sont des étoiles : La grande nébuleuse d’Andromède
- Les lumières dans le ciel sont des étoiles : Une épée dans un nuage de lumière
- The Homestead Called Damascus
- Inversely, as the Square of Their Distances Apart
- La musique de luth
- On What Planet
- The Phoenix and the Tortoise
- Requiem for the Spanish Dead
- Requiem pour les morts d'Espagne
- The Silver Swan
- Sur quelle planète
- Yin and Yang
- Yin et Yang
- You Are Like The Moon Except
- Rich, Adrienne Cecile
- For the Conjunction of Two Planets
- Orion
- Planetarium
- Rodd, T.
- Love of Night
- Rogers, Pattiann
- Another Little God
- Before the Beginning : Maybe God and a Silk Flower Concubine Perhaps
- Data from This Line of Light Laboratory
- Fossil Texts on Canyon Walls
- If the Moon Appeared Only Once Every Ten Years
- Life in an Expanding Universe
- Millennium Map of the Universe by the National Geographic Society
- Place and Proximity
- Rollinson, Neil
- Constellations
- Entropy
- Ross, Ronald
- O Moon
- Hesperus
- Russell, George William (AE)
- The Dawn of Darkness
- Day
- The Morning Star
- Night
- Night
- On a Hill-Top
- Star Teachers
- The Unknown God
- Sappho
- Sans titre
- Service, Robert W.
- The Cremation of Sam McGee
- Sexton, Anne
- Riding the Elevator into the Sky
- The Starry Night
- Shakespeare, William
- Sonnet #14
- Shapiro, Alan
- Astronomy Lesson
- Shelley, Percy Bysshe
- The Cloud
- Hymn to Selene
- To Jane
- To Night
- To ----
- To the Moon
- The Two Spirits : an allegory
- Prometheus Unbound
- Untitled
- Shorter, Dora Sigerson
- I am the World
- Skelton, John
- Arectyng my syght
- Southey, Robert
- St. Antidus, the Pope and the Devil
- Stapledon, Olaf
- Children suppose that chairs and tables
- If man encounter
- If God has not noticed us ?
- Sterling, George
- Aldebaran at Dusk
- The City By the Sea -- San Francisco
- The Fog-Sea
- Night Sentries
- The Testimony of the Suns
- Supervielle, Jules
- À la nuit
- Attendre que la Nuit...
- Descente de Géants
- Encore frissonnant...
- Et si nous regardions la vie par les interstices de la mort ?
- Nocturne en plein jour
- Sutphen, Joyce
- Naming the Stars
- Szymborska, Wislawa
- The Sky
- Taylor, Jane
- The Star
- Teasdale, Sara
- Arcturus
- Arcturus in Autumn
- August Moonrise
- The Crystal Gazer
- The Falling Star
- February Twilight
- "I Know the Stars"
- In the Train
- Joy
- Leaves
- Moon's Ending
- Moonlight
- Morning Song
- The New Moon
- Night in Arizona
- Nightfall
- A November Night
- Peace
- The Solitary
- Spring Night
- The Star
- Stars
- To-night
- Twilight
- The Wind in the Hemlock
- Winter Dusk
- Winter Stars
- Tennyson, Lord Alfred
- The Higher Pantheism
- Locksley Hall
- The Princess
- Thomas, Dylan
- Do Not Go Gentle into that Good Night
- Thompson, Francis
- An Arab Love-Song
- The Kingdom of God
- Thomson, James
- To the memory of Sir Isaac Newton (extraits)
- Tiffany, Esther B.
- Applied Astronomy
- Updike, John
- Cosmic Gall
- Valéry, Paul
- L'ébauche d'un serpent
- La jeune Parque
- Vaughan, Henry
- The Star
- The World
- Walcott, Derek
- 11 (After the storm)
- Europa
- Walsh, Paul S.
- A New Moon
- Wellman, Wade
- Cosmic Endings
- Dream and Reality
- Pluto and Beyond
- The Sorcerer
- West, Colin
- Columbus
- Whitman, Walt
- A Clear Midnight
- A Prairie Sunset
- After the Dazzle of Day
- And Yet Not You Alone
- Night on the Prairies
- On the Beach at Night
- On the Beach at Night Alone
- Passage to India
- Song at Sunset
- Song of myself (44)
- Song of Parting
- Thou Orb Aloft Full-Dazzling
- Twilight
- When I Heard the Learn'd Astronomer
- Year of Meteors (1859-60)
- You Tides with Ceaseless Swell
- Wilde, Oscar
- We Are Made One with What We Touch and See
- Williams, Sarah
- Blinded by the Light
- The Old Astronomer to His Pupil
- Williams, William Carlos
- El Hombre
- Peace on Earth
- Wilmshurst, Walter Leslie
- Nox Nivosa
- Wordsworth, William
- Star-Gazers
- To the Planet Venus, an Evening Star
- Who but is Pleased to Watch the Moon on High
- Yeats, William Butler
- The Cat and the Moon
- The Crazed Moon
- He Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven
- He Thinks of His Past When A Part of the Constellations of Heaven
- The Phases of the Moon
- The Song of the Happy Shepherd
Web resources
- Peter Abrahams,
- Les poètes et l'univers :
- Publishers of Star*Line - The Newsletter of the Science Fiction Poetry Association :
- Hawaiian Astronomical Society, Cosmic Poetry, Cosmic Thought :
- Poetry in the Night :
- Science and Nature Poems :
- Moon Poetry and Moon Poems :
- Dark Planet - A Webzine of Science Fiction, Modern Fantasy, Poetry, and Related Nonfiction :
- Space Poems, Poetry and Prose :
- The Ultimate Science Fiction Poetry Guide :
- Astronomical Poems :
- Cataract :
- Space Poems :
- Selected Poems from Kenny's Chapbook - "Technopoetry" :
- :
- SciFaiku Poetry - Todd Hoff :
- SciFaiku - James M. Palmer :
- SciFaiku Review-O-Rama :
- SciFaiku - Oino Sakai :
- Michel Cassé, "Lux Meridiana" dans Revue Intemporelle : Des idées et des âmes , 1997, no. 8
- Carl Sandburg Sky Poetry :
- The Poetry Archives :
- The Academy of American Poets :
- Poets Corner :
- Poetry On-Line :
- An index of poets in representative poetry on-line :
- An Online Journal and Multimedia Companion to Anthology of Modern American Poetry :
- :
- Norton Poets Online :
- International Poetry Hall of Fame :
- Poet Online :
- Poets & Writers Online :
- The Oxford Book of English Verse (1250–1900) :
- Favorite American Poets :
- The International Library of Poetry :
- Poetry Resources :
- Find Poetry :
- Poésie sur la toile :
- Recueil de poèmes du XIXème et XXème :
- La poésie française :
- Muse :
- Le coin du poète :
- Portail de la poésie québécoise et francophone d'Amérique :
- Portail de la poésie québécoise et francophone d'Amérique :
- Poésie d'hier et d'aujourd'hui :
- Poésie et Citations d’Amour :
General works
- Kurt Brown, The measured word, on poetry and science (2001)
- Douglas Bush, Science and English Poetry : A Historical Sketch 1590-1950 (1950, reprint 1967)
- Cumberland Clark, Astronomy in the poets (1922)
- Ralph Crum, Scientific Thought in Poetry (1931)
- Norman Davidson, Sky Phenomena : A Guide to Naked-Eye Observation of the Stars : With Sections on Poetry in Astronomy, Constellation Mythology, and the Southern Hemisphere (1993)
- Scott E. Green, Contemporary science fiction, fantasy and horror poetry (1989)
- David Levy, More Things in Heaven and Earth : Poets and Astronomers Read the Night Sky (1997)
- David Levy, Starry Night : Astronomers and Poets Read the Sky (2001)
- Arthur Jack Meadows, The high firmament : a survey of astronomy in English literature (1969)
- Mary Midgley, Science and poetry (2000)
- Alison Cornish, Reading Dante's Stars (2000)
- Alastair Fowler, Time's Purpled Masquers : Stars and the Afterlife in Renaissance English Literature (1996)
- Patrick D. Murphy and Vernon Hyles (eds.), The Poetic Fantastic : Studies in an Evolving Genre (1989)
- Marjorie Hope Nicolson, The Breaking of the Circle; Studies in the Effect of the 'New Science' upon Seventeenth-Century Poetry (1939, reprinted 1960)
- Marjorie Hope Nicolson, Science and the Imagination (1956)
- Isabelle Pantin, La poésie du ciel en France dans la seconde moitié du seizième siècle (1995)
- Christopher D. Barker, Elements of Astronomy in Poetry
- M. Byard, M. "Poetic Response to the Copernican Revolution", dans Scientific American, June 1977
- T. Carter, "Geoffrey Chaucer : Amateur Astronomer ?", dans Sky & Telescope, March 1982, p. 246
- Jean Dhombres, "La gloire de la science [en France] : culture et poésie vers 1800", dans Revue d'histoire moderne et contemporaine, vol. 39, octobre-décembre 1992, pages 551-574
- Jacques Dufresne, "Anthologie-Univers", dans L'Encyclopédie de l'Agora
- A. Fraknoi, and A. Friedman, "Images of the Universe", dans Mercury, March-April 1975, p. 14-17
- Elissa L.A. Hamilton, "Being There : Relationships Between Planetarium Technique & Astronomical Poetry, or How to Make the Heavens Move with Vision", dans Star*Line, January-February 1983, 6(1), - aussi dans The Planetarian, 1984, 13(2)
- "L'imaginaire de la science [1re partie], par : Daniel-Louis Beaudoin, Muriel Bédard, Guy Bouchard, Joël Des Rosiers, Éric Dufreyne, Michel-Francis Lagacé", dans Moebius, no 64, été 1995, pages 21-62
- "L'imaginaire de la science [2e et dernière partie], par : Hélène Lesage, Lili Maxime, Mitia, Joël Pourbaix, Jacqueline Royer-Hearn, Laurent Trépanier, Marc Vaillancourt", dans Moebius, no 64, été 1995, pages 63-110
- Judy Kramer, The Sky Touches Everyone
- Jean-Pierre Luminet, "Le rêve de l'univers", dans Journal des astronomes français, juin 1996, no 51, : pages 28-32
- Jean-Pierre Luminet, "Science, poésie, création", dans Revue Intemporelle : Bonnes nouvelles pour des temps difficiles, décembre 1994-octobre 1995, no. 7
- Jean-Pierre Luminet, "Le Sentiment Cosmique", dans Revue Intemporelle : Des idées et des âmes, 1997, no. 8
- Jean-Pierre Luminet, "Les poètes et l'univers", dans L'Encyclopédie de l'Agora
- Laurence A. Marschall, "Modern Poetry and Astronomy", dans Mercury, March-April 1983, pages 41-44
- Laurence A. Marschall, "Comets and the Muse", dans Mercury, Jan/Feb. 1986, p. 10
- C. Maynard, "Robert Frost : Poet of the Night", dans Sky & Telescope, June 1992, p. 692
- D. Olson, "William Blake and August's Fiery Meteors", dans Sky & Telescope, August 1989, p. 192
- Jonathan Vos Post, "Science, poetry, democracy"
- Glen E. Rodgers, & Paul G. Zolbrod, "Images of Creation in Science and Poetry", dans Journal for College Science Teaching, May 1986, p. 530
- André Verdet, "Bref et dans le désordre ou L'errance poétique", dans Revue Intemporelle : Bonnes nouvelles pour des temps difficiles, décembre 1994-octobre 1995, no. 7
- K. Weitzenhoffer, "Well Versed in Astronomy", in Sky & Telescope, October 1990, p. 365
- S. Yorka, "Planets and Poetry", dans Journal of College Science Teaching, May 1995, p. 404
Collections and anthologies
- B. Ras, News of the Universe : Poems of Twofold Consciousness (1995)
- Stephen Brockwell, Cometology (2001)
- D. R. Donnelly, The poetry of science : a collection of poems (1998)
- John Fairfax (ed.), Frontier of Going : An Anthology of Space Poetry (1969)
- David Foskett (ed.), Star gazing (1995)
- Robert Frazier and Loss Pequeno Glazier, Co-orbital Moons / Prayer Wheels of Bluewater (1987)
- John Heath-Stubbs and Phillips Salman, Poems of Science (1984)
- Jean-Pierre Luminet, Les poètes et l'univers : anthologie de textes poétiques sur le cosmos (1996)
- Helen Plotz (ed), Imagination’s Other Place : Poems of Science and Mathematics (1955)
- Maurice Riordan and John Turney (eds), A Quark for Mister Mark : 101 Poems about Science (2000)
- Marc Séguin, Benoît Villeneuve, et Jean-François Poupart, Dialogues dans l'espace-temps (2002)
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